How to Survive the Summer Heat in Japan My 10 Favorite Ways to Keep Cool
In this post, you will discover how to survive the summer heat in Japan but not only .

Planning a trip to Japan in the summer? That’s fantastic! Japan promises an unforgettable experience filled with vibrant street festivals, mouth-watering seasonal delicacies, and mesmerizing fireworks. The warm months are perfect for hiking in stunning national parks, lounging on pristine beaches, and admiring the colorful flower displays. However, the intense heat and humidity in Tokyo and other parts of Japan during the summer can be challenging. Fear not! With these tips, you’ll manage to survive the summer in Japan without whining or overheating.

Ready for a handful of tips? Let’s get started!

Person wearing a wide-brimmed hat  for sun protection

Understanding Japan’s Summer Heat

When Does Summer Start and End in Japan?

The summer season in Japan typically runs from June to August, with July and August being the hottest months. Temperatures can soar above 35°C (95°F) with high humidity, making the heat feel even more intense. Understanding this will help you prepare better for your trip.

Clothing Tips to Stay Cool

Lightweight Fabrics & Loose-Fitting Clothing

Opt for clothing made from lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and moisture-wicking materials. These fabrics allow air to circulate and keep your body cool.

Person wearing a long glovess for sun protection

Choose loose-fitting garments that do not cling to your body. Tight clothing can trap heat and make you feel hotter. Flowy dresses, wide-leg pants, and oversized tops are excellent choices.

Wear light-colored clothing to reflect the sun’s rays instead of absorbing them. White, pastels, and light shades are ideal for summer.

Hats, Umbrellas, and Sunglasses

Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, using an umbrella, and donning sunglasses. This not only shields your face and eyes but also helps prevent overheating.

Hats with UV protection in shop

A UV umbrella is a practical and stylish way to stay protected. These umbrellas block UV radiation and offer shade, ensuring you are shielded from the sun’s harmful effects while enjoying a walk outdoors.

umbrellas which block UV radiation
Underarm Sweat Pads

If you sweat excessively, you can buy underarm sweat pads at the drugstore. These are useful accessories if you sweat a lot and don’t want sweat stains to be visible on your clothes.

underarm sweat pads and instruction how to use it

Cooling Products and Gadgets

Neck Coolers 💫

A neck cooler is a handy accessory that offers great comfort during hot summer days. These cooling tools are usually crafted from materials that absorb and evaporate moisture. Simply soak the neck cooler in water, wear it around your neck, and enjoy the cooling effect as the water evaporates.

Different neck collers
Cooling Sprays and Gels 🧊

Cooling sprays provide immediate relief by spraying a thin layer of refreshing mist onto your skin. Opt for sprays with natural elements such as aloe vera or cucumber, known for their cooling effects. Spraying your body helps lower your body temperature and leaves you feeling refreshed and cool.

Cooling spray and instruction how to use it
Portable Fans 💨

Having a small, handheld fan can be extremely helpful in hot and humid conditions. These portable fans are light, small, and can be easily carried in your bag or pocket. Whether you’re walking in the city or out in nature, the fan’s gentle breeze will keep you feeling cooler and more comfortable.

woman holding portable fan
Cooling Towels 💦

Wet a cooling towel and place it around your neck or on your forehead. These towels are designed to retain moisture and provide a cooling effect for an extended period.

Different cooling towels
Cooling Wet Wipes 💙
Few different cooling wet wipes which  cool to even - 3 degrees

When the heat becomes unbearable, cooling body wipes can be very helpful. These wipes contain menthol or other cooling ingredients that provide instant relief. You can purchase them easily at drugstores and convenience stores. Just wipe your face, neck, and arms to cool off and feel refreshed. They are small and easy to carry, perfect for taking with you on summer adventures.

Few different cooling wet wipes which  cool to even - 3 degrees
Air Conditioners and Fans

Ensure that your living space is equipped with air conditioning or fans. These appliances are essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment during the hot summer months.

Air conditioners and fans in shop
Cooling Patches
Cool paches and instruction how to use them

A Japanese cooling patch, also known as a cooling gel sheet, is a hydrogel-based product designed to provide instant cooling relief. These patches are particularly popular in Japan due to their effectiveness, convenience, and ease of use. Stick them to your feet or forehead to feel the cooling effect all the time.

Cool paches and instruction how to use them

Hydration and Diet

Vending machines in Japan
Drink Plenty of Water 🥛 and Electrolyte Drinks

Staying hydrated is essential to combat Japan’s summer heat. Drinking water regularly helps control body temperature, avoid dehydration, and keep you feeling refreshed. Keep a reusable water bottle with you to make drinking water a routine, or pick up a cold drink from a nearby store for added refreshment.

Different Cool drinks on shelves
Refreshing Foods

Incorporate refreshing foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables with high water content. Watermelon, cucumber, and citrus fruits are excellent choices.

Light Meals

Opt for light, easily digestible meals. Heavy and greasy foods can make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable in the heat. Japanese summer dishes like somen noodles, cold tofu, and chilled salads are perfect for hot days.

Iced Treats
Ice creams as a treat

Enjoy traditional Japanese iced treats such as kakigori (shaved ice) and mizu-yokan (chilled sweet red bean jelly). These desserts are not only delicious but also help cool you down.

Health and Safety Tips

Recognize Signs of Heat-Related Illness

Be aware of the signs of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and confusion. If you or someone else experiences these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Use Sun Protection

Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen with a high SPF, hats, and sunglasses. Reapply sunscreen regularly, especially if you are sweating or swimming.

Plan Outdoor Activities Wisely

Try to schedule outdoor activities for the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours.

Cooling items  in shop during summer

Stay Cool

Surviving the summer heat in Japan can be challenging, but with a little preparation and the right tips, you can enjoy your time without overheating. From choosing the right clothing and using cooling gadgets to staying hydrated and eating light meals, these strategies will help you stay cool and comfortable. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, make the most of your summer in Japan by staying prepared and embracing the unique experiences this beautiful country has to offer. Stay cool and enjoy your adventure! 🌞🍧🇯🇵

In this post, you have learned how to survive summer heat.

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I’m Aniela

Welcome to my blog about my experiences and discovers that made me fall in love with Japan even more, so let’s discover all of that and more.
